Color Separation and CMYK

Riso inks are not available in Cyan or Magenta. To print CMYK pictures, we replace these 2 channels with colors such as Blue or Aqua and Crimson or Fluo Pink.
The example below was printed in Black, Crimson, Blue and Yellow.

You can also make custom color-separations and print your images in any color-combination you like! The image below shows the before and after of an artwork by Malwine Stauss.

(Scan of Original Artwork)

(Scan of Printed Artwork in Medium Blue, Violet, Orange, Yellow)

In the example below you see a printed artwork by Melek Zertal. We separated the color areas into a tritone of Aqua, Fluo Pink and Yellow and printed the Black line-work as an extra layer.

The image below shows a Duotone image. You can create a great effect already by only using two colors. We recommend to use a darker and a lighter color. In this example we used Teal and Orange.